Amazon kindle app btightness
Amazon kindle app btightness

  1. Amazon kindle app btightness code#
  2. Amazon kindle app btightness series#

The onResume() call is highly recommended, as it ensures your app resumes its state.

Amazon kindle app btightness code#

The code initializes a label, determines its position on screen, and displays the score. This sample code shows how your app could resume after a user leaves the Quick Settings. The onPause() call is highly recommended, as it ensures your app saves its state. The code saves the label position on screen, and save the score. This sample code shows how your app could pause if a user invokes the Quick Settings. The following code snippets (based on a set of sample apps) show you how you can optimize your app for the Quick Settings feature.

  • Your app continues to actively run and does not enter a paused state.
  • Your app may enter an unrecoverable state such as perpetual loading or black screen.
  • amazon kindle app btightness

    Your app’s video or audio may become reset or interrupted.Your app’s state or user save data may become lost or reset.Your app could force close or become unresponsive.If your app is not optimized for Kindle Fire and does not take into account a user interacting with the Quick Settings bar, the following scenarios could result: How should apps not optimized for Quick Settings behave? Other apps that are more static in nature, and rely on user interaction to change state, can simply run in the background. Some apps, like most games, should simply pause. Invoking the Quick Settings feature should not affect the app or its current state. How should your app interact with Quick Settings?

    amazon kindle app btightness

    When optimizing for Kindle Fire, your app should account for users accessing the Quick Settings bar at any time while your app is running. Like the soft key bar, the Quick Settings feature is visible at all times, including when your app is running.

    amazon kindle app btightness

    The image below shows the Quick Settings feature and its location on the device. The Quick Settings feature is unique to the device and provides Kindle Fire owners with a host of easily accessible options, including Volume, Brightness, Wi-Fi, and more.

    Amazon kindle app btightness series#

    The first topic in this series reviews one of the most frequently asked questions when developing on Kindle Fire: “My app is not optimized to interact with Kindle Fire Quick Settings, what can I do to provide a better customer experience?” These posts are designed to provide you with solutions, sample code, and the opportunity to address common issues that can arise as you optimize your app for Kindle Fire. This post is the first in a series detailing the top 10 optimizations to improve your app on Kindle Fire. Jeff Hines, Kindle Fire test team, and Chirag Mehta, Manager, a2z Developer Center Inc., an company, are our bloggers for this post.

    Amazon kindle app btightness